9News Denver
Denver Online Dating 9News Denver
”Unlucky in love. Well, your dating profile may be the blame. 5280 magazine did a little research on how to find love and just in time for Valentine's Day was just over a week away.
That's right. 5280 editor in chief Jessica Larusso and Heather Henning of Denver Online Dating joins us now with some tips for attracting the right swipes that are right for you.
Good morning, y'all.
All right. Give us all the tips. What do we, what do we need to know this morning?
Yeah. Yeah. So, you know, I think Denver's dating scene gets a bad rap, right? There's a lot of talk about, you know, the Peter pans out there, the boys who won't grow up. Um, but I don't really think we need to gender it.
Right. And Denver people have a lot of hobbies, whether they're skiing or they're going to 20 concerts or red rocks a year. Um, they, they have hobbies, uh, their lives are full. And so maybe they don't have the motivation at the time to spend Bend on their dating profiles, let alone dating. Um, so they need to be efficient and that's where Heather comes in.
And this is why 5280 said this is the article that we need to put in our February issue just in time for Valentine's Day. So Heather, tell us a little bit about your business, uh, Denver online dating. How do you help single Denverites navigate the really tough dating scene?
That's a good question. So Denver Online Dating came about because I watched over many, many years of my own dating experience.
Everything changed slowly and expectations got higher and higher, and people expect that because you have this fancy camera on your phone all the time, that you have great photos of yourself, that we pretty much all grew up writing on the internet about ourselves. So the expectation that you know how to Create these profiles yourself is there and the clients come to me because they look through their phone and they think I don't like any of these photos of myself.
I don't have any great authentic photos of myself where I look really happy and I go to try to write my dating profile and I'm incredibly uncomfortable because it's a very uncomfortable thing to have to do.
Let's help us write some of these profiles this morning. What are some of the biggest mistakes you see in people's profiles?
I love mistakes questions. Okay, so first of all sunglasses, um, do not put any photos of yourself on your dating profile wearing sunglasses I want to see your eyes. I want to connect with you I want to feel something when I look at your photos. I want to see really authentic smiles so that I know you're comfortable in your own skin.
But last I see, I see a lot of low effort profiles. Um, and I think that's because people go into the process and they start it and they feel really uncomfortable because talking about themselves in a way that doesn't sound like they're bragging is a really uncomfortable thing to do. And that's where I come in.
And I'm so grateful that I get to be part of that.
What is your advice to someone who is just completely fed up with like online dating at this point?
Good question. I have two really big things. Okay, so the first thing is educate yourself. Educate yourself on your experience, why you're here, what you're comfortable with in terms of how much energy you have to put into it regularly, and set some boundaries for yourself.
But more importantly, educate yourself on the other side's experience. So the more you know about the other side's experience, the more you can empathize, and the less you can You'll take things personally, like ghosting or other parts of online dating. Um, but second, my favorite, is let your nerd out. Yes!
Yes, I agree. Yes, exactly. So what I mean by that is, like, figure out what's different about you, what's nerdy about you, um, and find someone to help you put together a profile that will let your nerd shine, but in a palatable, digestible way. Um, for the other side, praise for the nerds.
Nerds are hot. Y'all like, I mean, this is only so much that brain though.
If you got that, I say that having met my partner online as well, too.
Um, on the first time actually, he's my first person to swipe on. Uh, right there, but I was definitely not his, so it worked out that way. Okay, we got you hooked now, right, Jessica? Where can people go to find more and what is more, what's featured in this magazine?
Yeah, so the February issue on newsstands now, it's online at 5280. com. Um, yeah, and then we've got a lot of other great content in the issue as well.
Yes. So they're setting up right now. And I see them. It looks amazing. They're sticking around this morning. We're talking about what's on the cover here. A lot of people are going N.A. They want to know how to make any drinks or go to bars and businesses that have N. A. And we're gonna be talking all about that with 52 80 coming up at 8 40. So thank you guys so much for coming in. Really great tips. Thank you.
All right, let's get checked your forecast now with Chris Bianchi. Chris, let's hear for the nerds.
Let's hear Oh boy. That, that felt directed. But, uh, that's fine. I, I, I'll embrace it all day. In fact, we're gonna geek out on some temperatures today because it's pretty chilly out there right now.”
5280 Magazine
“When the pandemic slowed Heather Henning’s wedding photography business, she found her pivot in an unexpected place: Denver’s singles scene. “I had essentially dated all of Colorado,” she says. “I got really good at crafting my [online dating] profile and helping my friends with theirs. I even went on dates where they’d pull out their phones, show me their profile, and listen to my advice.” Combining that field experience with her passion for photography, in 2020 Henning launched Denver Online Dating, which helps local singles find their better halves by analyzing and refreshing their personals with new photos, catchy copy, and even wardrobe styling sessions.
Here, Henning shares five tips for attracting the right swipes that are right for you.
1. Dig Deep
Sure, you like to hike, camp, and snowboard, but so does every other single person in Denver. “There’s so much more to you than just that,” Henning says. “What’s something you do regularly for your close friends? Are you passionate about the environment? Are you proud of something you’ve accomplished?” Sprinkle in your vulnerable side—say, your love of gratitude journaling or self-help books—without getting overly emotional. No one wants to hear about your high school heartbreak.
2. Say Cheese
“The person on the other end wants to know that you are a happy person, you’re comfortable in your skin, and you’re fun to be around—and a full, genuine smile is going to go a long way with that,” Henning says. That’s why she always tells her clients to make the first photo on their profiles a solo, full-smile portrait. She also recommends avoiding shots with sunglasses, balaclavas, or anything else that might distract from your lovely mug.
3. Show and Tell
Even if your prose would make Cyrano de Bergerac swoon, not knowing the difference between they’re, their, and there could be a real turn-off. “Improper grammar and punctuation and lazy answers to prompts are unattractive,” Henning says. Spice up your bio by showing—not just telling—the other person what it’s like to spend time with you. “Don’t just write that you like to ski. Say something like, ‘We’re the same type of weird if we both like to listen to murder podcasts on the way to the ski hill.’ ”
4. Parental Guidance
It’s great—and sexy!—that you’re a proud parent, but displaying your littles on the apps is off-limits. “Many people immediately swipe left because they feel it’s unkind to post children online, for the child’s safety,” Henning says. Mention your parental status in your profile’s written area instead. As for four-legged children: “If you don’t have a photo with that pet toward the front of your profile, you’re doing it wrong,” Henning says. “People want to see that you know how to take care of a living thing long-term.”
5. Keep Calm and Date On
Bad dates happen. Even worse: Good dates disappear. Try not to get discouraged. The key to getting lucky in love, Henning says, is continuing to go on dates rather than deleting your profile every time you have a less-than-ideal experience. And as harsh as it can feel at times, ghosting is part of the online dating game. “Take it as a blessing that they’re not wasting your time anymore,” Henning says.”
See the full article by Michelle Shortall here…